Lewisham Refugee & Migrant Network

Who We Are:

LRMN provides information, advice, casework support and representation at tribunals to clients with immigration, housing and welfare issues. We also support those who are eligible to gain employment, access volunteering, training and or educational opportunities. Our programme for women who survived gender-based violence including those who have been raped, trafficked, those who survived female genital mutilation, domestic and honour based violence include 1:1 counselling and weekly group therapeutic activities and practical assistance. In addition, we run English, sewing and knitting classes and gardening club to help our clients integrate, tackle isolation and loneliness. For homeless and destitute clients we offer food parcel and small amount of money for their basic needs.

Who We Can Help:

Refugees, asylum seekers and migrant communities in the London Borough of Lewisham and surrounding boroughs.

Area of Advice:

Asylum and Immigration – for refugees and asylum seekers in Lewisham OISC Level 3 immigration advice). Generalist advice, welfare benefits, homelessness, housing, debt, employment and health advice for people in Lewisham and neighbouring boroughs. Please note we also provide immigration advice outside Lewisham.

Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network Logo
