How to refer to us

Referring to us

We want to make it as easy as possible for partners and professionals to refer to us. If you work in the voluntary sector, local authority or NHS you can refer to us using our webform.

What you need to know

We request that where possible you ask your client to call the Lewisham Adviceline on 0800 231 5453. We ask you to target referrals for your most vulnerable clients who cannot self-refer.

Currently we are usually only able to speak to clients by telephone or other digital means and are not seeing anyone in person.

Your client must live, work or study in Lewisham unless they have an enquiry about debts in which case they must  live in London.

We ask referrers to provide details of their client and information on the advice they need and particular special needs they may have. We also request that you provide confirmation of the client’s consent to make the referral and share their personal information with us.

We may also:-

  • provide information and guidance over the phone
  • signpost to another organisation
  • refer to one of our partners